Mount Sinai Wellness Center

What are the types of treatment for addiction?

From Detox to Support Groups

When it comes to treatment, those looking to recover from drug and/or alcohol addiction have many different options. Treatment programs can be used together or separately and adjusted for each patient’s needs.

We’ve outlined all the options below, so you can get an idea of what’s available and which programs might work best for you.

Detoxification and Medically Managed Withdrawal

For many, the first step in recovery is a drug detox program. Detoxification is what happens when your body clears your system of a substance, but if you have a physical dependency on drugs or alcohol, this step may be painful and dangerous.

Detoxing from alcoholheroincocaine, opioids, and other sedatives can lead to painful withdrawal symptoms. You may need medications to help you manage them. If your withdrawal isn’t handled properly, some symptoms can even become fatal.Mount Sinai Wellness Center offers a medical detox program that can mitigate withdrawal symptoms and help you get clean safely.

Long-Term Residential Treatment

Another option we offer at Mount Sinai is long-term residential treatment. Many patients transition from medical detox to inpatient care because treating addiction is more complicated than ridding the body of drugs and/or alcohol. Long-term residential treatment works well for patients because they are able to focus fully on their mental health and recovery. When you choose long-term residential care at Mount Sinai Wellness Center, you will have access to treatment 24 hours a day, individual and group therapy sessions, and the opportunity to build meaningful social connections. We also keep you busy with holistic activities like yoga, meditation, tai chi, and equine therapy.

Short-Term Residential Treatment

After inpatient care, many patients transition into outpatient treatment or aftercare programs. These programs are designed to help you maintain your sobriety as you readjust to the outside world. If you have professional, educational, or social commitments you cannot leave behind, you may also be able to start with a partial hospitalization program (PHP) or an intensive outpatient program (IOP). Although Mount Sinai is an inpatient rehabilitation center, we will help you connect to follow-up care before you leave our comfortable facilities.

Outpatient Treatment

Short-term residential treatment is similar to long-term residential treatment but tends to be shorter and more intensive. A long-term residential treatment plan might have patients onsite for 6 to 12 months, but short-term residential treatment usually takes 3 to 6 weeks. Shorter programs are also designed to help you transition to outpatient care and support groups. At Mount Sinai Wellness Center, we build your treatment plan around you and your needs, which means we can create a schedule that works for you.

Individualized Counseling and Support Groups

Recovery is a lifelong process, so you may want to continue receiving mental healthcare and stay connected with those who understand. After rehab and outpatient care, many patients choose to have a regular therapist or counselor and attend support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

Once you complete your journey with Mount Sinai, we will help connect you to the resources you need to succeed.

From Detox to Support Groups

The answer to this question is different for everyone, but if you’re new to recovery, we recommend residential treatment at Mount Sinai Wellness Center. With our on-site detox center and our expansive campus, we can help you transition seamlessly from step to step.

When you leave us, you will have all the tools you need to maintain your sobriety.