Mount Sinai Wellness Center

Maintaining Sobriety while Traveling: 7 tips for a safe and enjoyable trip

Staying Sober While on Vacation

Traveling can be an enriching and exciting adventure. But for those in recovery, it can also pose unique challenges. In unfamiliar environments, with disrupted routines and potential triggers, maintaining sobriety may seem daunting. However, with careful preparation and mindful strategies, you can navigate your travels while staying true to your recovery journey.

We’ve compiled seven tips below to help you maintain your sobriety while traveling. For additional assistance, give us a call at (800) 353-4673.

1. Set Your Intention

Before you even book your flight or pack your bag, set your intention for the trip. This involves being honest with yourself about your recovery status and your ability to handle potential challenges. It is important to begin by making a commitment to yourself that you will prioritize your sobriety during your travels.

2. Be Prepared

Prepare yourself mentally for triggering environments and have a plan of action in place. This could involve bringing a book to read, downloading a meditation app, or even just planning out routes to avoid passing by bars or other tempting areas.

3. Stick to Your Self-Care Needs

Travel can be busy, exhausting, and stressful. Amidst the rush, don’t forget to take care of your physical and mental health. This means ensuring you get enough sleep, eating healthy meals, and setting aside time each day for relaxation or mindfulness practices, in order to allow yourself to slow down and stay grounded.

4. Plan Sober Activities

One practical way to maintain sobriety is by planning activities that don’t involve alcohol or drugs. This could be sightseeing, visiting museums, hiking, or even just exploring local shops or markets. The key is to fill your day with engaging and fulfilling experiences that don’t revolve around substances.

5. Know When to Leave

If you find yourself in a situation that challenges your sobriety, it’s important to know when and how to leave. Always have a transport plan in place so you can remove yourself from triggering environments if necessary.

6. Stay Connected

While traveling, it’s vital to stay connected with your support network. This could be fellow recovery members, a trusted friend, or a counselor. Regular check-ins can provide reassurance and guidance when faced with challenging situations.

7. Savor Your Dining Experiences

It may be helpful to shift your focus to the culinary delights of your destination, rather than alcohol or other substances. Trying local foods or indulging in a special dessert can be a rewarding experience that doesn’t jeopardize your sobriety.

Consult with a Team Member for Additional Assistance

At Mount Sinai Wellness Center, we understand that recovery is a lifelong journey. We’re committed to providing the tools and support needed for successful sober living. Our programs are designed to help individuals navigate life’s challenges while maintaining their sobriety.

Stay safe, enjoy your travels, and remember that maintaining your sobriety is the most important journey you’ll ever embark upon. To consult with a professional about our treatment services, don’t hesitate to contact us.