Mount Sinai Wellness Center

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Common Pitfalls in Addiction Recovery

Recovery from addiction is a journey filled with unique challenges and learning experiences. It’s common for individuals to encounter various pitfalls along the way. However, learning to recognize some of the more common pitfalls can


Nourishing Your Journey to Recovery

Every twist and turn on the path to sobriety is filled with unique challenges. Among them, managing physical health often takes a back seat. However, did you know that the food choices you make can


Moving Beyond Guilt & Shame

Everyone’s path to recovery is intensely personal, and yet there are shared experiences that resonate deeply within this community. One such emotion that many encounter is the overpowering weight of shame. That internal voice, echoing


Healthy Ways To Set Boundaries In Recovery

Recovery is an ongoing journey of learning and growth. However, one essential element that often gets overlooked in this process is the art of setting boundaries. Establishing clear boundaries isn’t just about protecting yourself —


How to Reach Your SMART Goals

Does it ever seem like you’re wandering through your recovery, unsure of which direction to head in? It’s a feeling many people experience, especially after completing rehab and returning to their daily lives. SMART goals


How To Find A Job After Treatment

Like many people, after completing a substance use treatment program, one of your first priorities will be finding a job. Securing employment that aligns with your goals and values is a significant step toward building