Mount Sinai Wellness Center

Can I detox if I’m Pregnant?

Undergoing detoxification for your alcohol or drug addiction can be one of the most challenging things you ever do. Many people with addictions fear getting clean with the knowledge that experiencing withdrawal symptoms can be unpleasant and painful, and sometimes dangerous. However, detoxification is essential if you want to make the decision to recover. Pregnant people with addictions especially need to seek detoxification services as soon as possible to provide for their health and the health of their unborn child.

Drug and alcohol abuse can put a mother and her child’s health and safety at risk. Statistics show that women who use stimulants, marijuana, or prescription pain relievers are 2.2 times more likely to have a stillbirth. Additionally, children born to mothers who drink beyond the first trimester have a twelvefold increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Other complications that can arise in a pregnancy when drug or alcohol addiction is involved include:

  • Low weight
  • Premature birth
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
  • Birth defects
  • Neurological defects
  • Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)

Detox, which describes the removal of toxins from the body, is the first step to recovery, and finding a professional medical detox program is necessary for expecting individuals.

Benefits of Medical Detox

Detoxing on your own is risky, but detoxing on your own while pregnant is dangerous. Withdrawal symptoms vary from person to person, and they can sometimes be severe enough to require medical attention. Some examples of serious withdrawal symptoms include reduced heart rate and breathing, seizures, and coma—if you’re unresponsive and alone, you might not be able to get the help you need.

Medical detox programs can place you in a secure, welcome facility where your symptoms will be monitored by a team of experts. This is important because as a pregnant person, you may require medications that can alleviate withdrawal side effects that might harm your baby. Medical experts will be able to provide you with a medication that won’t create complications.

Safely Detox with Mount Sinai Wellness Center

Mount Sinai Wellness Center takes addiction treatment seriously. Our medical detox center is run by a team of compassionate and skilled addiction medicine specialists, all of whom have experience helping those with alcohol and drug addictions. We provide relief to those experiencing the often debilitating side effects of withdrawal to create a better transition into rehab.

At Mount Sinai Wellness Center, our 3-stage approach to medical detox includes:

  • Evaluation: Our team reviews your medical history, checks your vitals, and learns more about your unique addiction in order to create a personalized program for you.
  • Stabilization: During detox, we check your vitals regularly and monitor your neurological status, making sure we can intervene if you begin experiencing side effects like high blood pressure or seizures.
  • Transition: Once detox is complete, we can create a transition plan that can get you adjusted to your new reality.

Don’t engage in DIY detoxing methods that could potentially seriously harm you and your child. Consider your future and call our center to learn more about how we help people detox in a controlled and slower way.

Contact Mount Sinai Wellness Center online or by phone at (800) 353-4673 to gain more insight regarding our medical detox program. Beginning your journey can be daunting, but our team takes your safety and comfort seriously.